Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Welcome To The Alley Blog!
Consider this the alley blog beta test for now folks.... we've decided to test pilot using a blog to store audio clips & short messages for live race reports during the 2006 race season. I'll be posting a topic on the boards soonly looking for volunteer race reporters. Now I'm not sure if this is gonna be worth the hassle of yet another area of the website to monitor and maintain... but it seemed cool enough to give it a whirl!
So please ignore the test messages up in here as the alley team gets up to speed on being bloggers. I hope to get a blogger tutorial topic posted in the Test runs forum as soon as the dust settles on the new Alley Portal release. And in the meantime, here's some background fodder on blogs.
What's a blog??
Blog stands for "web log", and was originally intended to be an online personal journal or diary. But the blog fad is currently in a rage... blog's have rapidly become a slick simple way for the average ordinary person to have their own website. And the current trend is the not-so-personal aspect of a blog, and more-n-more corporate uses of blogs are becoming more popular and more common.
And for the technically savvy - blogs have officially stomped all over the "wiki" market, and beat them open source dummies to the chase of mass producing low end content management systems. yupyup - blogs are here to stay. no doubt about it.
So - iff'n we can get this blog thing to work, and add the blog's feed with the neat stuff I'm doing with our new Feeds Index - we could very easily start publishing podcasts for race updates... and ya'all could possibly be listening to live race reports on your web-enabled cell phone or pda!! without even being on the 'puter!!! now how cool is dat! (bounce bounce)
So anywayz - here we go... let's see what fer cool trickz the web mistress can do with a blog ;) enjoy!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Team Setup Note
I'll be sending out team member invites to all the forum leads & race reporters when I start putting this here blog to use. That will allow a group of folks to post & edit messages up here.
Once your signed up as a team member and got your username & password, then ya'all need to go to to sign up for your personal voice mail account to leave audio messages up in here. This takes about 10 seconds to setup, and they give ya a call-in phone number (save it your cell).
Call da call-in number, leave a message... push "1" to post. Ten seconds later your voice mail message is on the web! mighty nifty!
(Optional) and if you wanna post photos while on the go with your web enabled camer phone? Then go get a login (free email addy not necessary) and then sign up at
For more entries on the 2007 season so far, follow the links listed under "Archives" on the Race Blog Home page.